Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Outcomes Of The Past Elections - 952 Words

The outcomes of the past elections in Indonesia clearly show how promiscuous power sharing has led to the current challenges to Indonesia’s democratization. The election outcomes of 2004, 2009, and 2014 have proved that party cartelization among the political parties has continued to predominate in Indonesian politics. The 2004 elections marked the beginning of direct presidential and parliamentary elections. Yudhoyono was able to win the 2004 presidency due to PDI-P’s plummeting vote share and voter dealignment as all five major parties vote share have dramatically shrunk compared to the 1999 election (Slater 85). The dramatic decrease of vote share and serious voter dealignment issue were due to party cartelization of major parties followed by severe political corruption among the political elites in the PDI-P-Golkar coalition. This helped Yudhoyono and his party, PD, to gain popularity from the voters and win seats in the DPR. The PD under the leadership of Yudhoyono was able to defeat PDI-P’s Megawati in a landslide victory (â€Å"Unbuilding Blocs† 311). After Yudhoyono won his presidency, promiscuous power sharing continued as he launched his United Indonesia Cabinet (Honna 479), which included almost all major parties including PKS that promoted anti-corruption ideals by criticizing Megawati’s all encompassing coalition during her presidency (â€Å"Unbuilding Blocs† 311). This coalition disappointed PD leadership as Yudhoyono gave only one ministerial position to the party whenShow MoreRelatedStephen Harper : The First Prime Minister Of Canada1409 Words   |  6 Pages In October 2015, Harper called an early election because he believed it would give the Conservatives the added advantage they needed to win. 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