Sunday, May 17, 2020

Plastic Surgery Good or Evil - 4320 Words

American University of Beirut English 204 Ms. Dorota Fleszer Fatima Msheik Research paper Plastic Surgery: Good or Evil Date: May-13th-2009 Introduction God is beautiful and loves beauty. As humans, we are working on adopting this theory whereby plastic surgery is our leader. A large number of people undergo plastic surgery, adopt the latest medical techniques and make their body physically fit and beautiful. The practice of plastic surgeries is affecting our lives in many†¦show more content†¦This surgical passing makes individuals escape the oppression and subordination accompanying one identity and access the previliges and have better working statuses (as cited in Davis, pp. 90). Moreover, cosmetic surgeries should be available to all people. Just as people of color should have access to higher education and well paid jobs, they should be also to access performance cosmetic surgery. So cosmetic surgery for disadvantaged group is concerned with injustice and therefore it is a matter of politics not just aesthetics. Moreover, ethnic cosmetic surgery is just like any development or progress happening within the humanity. Ethnic cosmetic surgery should be easily accepted as a matter of adopting the new technologies to encompass a growing group of potential patients (Davis, pp. 92). Now here is the case of Michael Jackson one of the most striking evident fame examples of racializing cosmetic surgery. Michael Jackson now does not resemble the dark skinned African baby of 70’s. Michael Jackson says:† I can afford it, I want it so I’m going to have it to look better†. Also he expressed that in one of his songs â€Å"Black or White†: â€Å"I am tired of this stuff†¦I am not going to spend my life being a color† (1983). 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